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Hiking and jogging on Halle-Hunneberg

Discover the beautiful plateau mountains Halleberg and Hunneberg by foot

Get your hiking boots or your running shoes on – it is time to explore Ecopark Halle- & Hunneberg! Set off on an adventure through the nature of Halle- and Hunneberg and prepare for an amazing nature experience. Here you will find 10 different hiking tracks to choose from, a viewing point looking out over Lake Vänern, meadows with a rich flora, fairy-tale like lakes, the steps of the table mountain, lime kilns - and there are plenty more of beautiful and interesting places to visit and see when you hike through the Ecopark.


Hiking paths on Halleberg and Hunneberg

A new hiking map over Ecopark Halle- and Hunneberg was made in 2022, where both old favorites and new exciting trails have been collected. There are a total of 15 trails to choose from on Halleberg and Hunneberg, from around 10 kilometer down to short 700 meters or 1.5 kilometer trails. The map also shows the difficulty level of the trails, fire pits and shelters along the way, what to see and do on the mountains and much more. 

The map is available in Swedish, English and German and can be purchased from the Kungajaktmuseet Älgens Berg on Hunneberg mountain or at the Trollhättan or Vänersborg Tourist Centers. The map is available for 100 SEK. 

For an overview map of Halleberg and Hunneberg and more information about the mountains, click here. 

Hiking map and Pathfinder

A more detailed hiking map is available to purchase at the tourist information offices in Trollhättan  and Vänersborg  as well as at The Royal Hunt Museum: Elk Hill on Hunneberg. Here you get an overview of the 10 hiking paths and there are also markings showing bathing spots, wind shelters, bird towers and barbecue sites. 

Available is also the book "Pathfinder" that goes into more detail about the different hiking paths and tells the history of the area and what you will see along the way. 

Guided tours

Hike together with our certified nature guide and explore beautiful landscapes. Discover the old forest of Hallesnipen and experience the fabulous views of Lake Vänern, explore the bogs of Hunneberg and learn about the exciting cultural history that surrounds the area.

Book your guided tour at +46 (0)521-27 00 40 or museet@algensberg.com

Trail running 

If you want to go out running on Hunneberg mountain here are 2,5 km, 5 km and 10 km trails that are good for running that starts from Bergagården, close by The Royal Hunt Museum. There are also two illuminated tracks of 1 km and 2,5 km starting from the same area. 

An overview map is available here. 


Halle- & Hunneberg infocenter

Hunneberg 121

468 31 Vargön

Telefoon: +46 0521 27 00 40

E-mail: Zend e-mail

Website: hallehunneberg.se/