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Nature Reserve Skärbo
Dals Långed

A farm with a long history

Forest landscape between Laxsjön and Fengersfors in Dalsland. Geologically very intresting because of the of the so-called Dalformationen.

Hiking trails

Length: 0.6 - 7.5 km
Type of trails: Loops
Three trails in a very varied landscape with everything from meadows, open nature to forests and small lakes. The trails are easy to walk and there are benches along the paths for those who want to take a break on their tour.


How to find Skärbo
North of Kättilsbo, there is a sign to a minor road to Skärbo. 

Croft dating back to the 16th century
The Skärbo Croft is from the 16th century. Today's manor building is considered to be from the end of the 18th century. At the farm, clay slate for roofing has been broken from the late 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century. Skärbo's land of ownership shows a long continuity of cultivation. The small fields, the meadows, paths and roads are still the same as they have been 300 years ago. Since the 60's the lands are used for sheep grazing.

Rich flora

To the north and northeast of the farm there is a botanically very rich meadow with among other things the lady's slipper orchid.

Skärbo is a unique forest farm where the old meadows are still maintained with a well-preserved environment. The cultivated lands around Skärbogården consist of leaf-dominated forest areas and abandoned land. The tree layer is mixed and consists mostly aspen, birch, ash and pine with elements of lime, rowan, kibbal and spruce. The forest has a rich flora with species such as dog's mercury, common toothwort and broad-leaved helleborine. One of the meadows has a large stock of early-purple orchid.





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Website: vastkuststiftelsen.se