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Meet the participants in The 72 Hour Cabin

Read about what expectations the participants had before experiencing The 72 Hour Cabin in West Sweden.

Fotograaf: Magnus Klang

Ben Fogle - The Broadcaster from London

Describe your stressful everyday life as a Broadcaster
As a broadcaster, my life is in perpetual motion. I'm always moving. On a train, plane, bus, car, boat, taxi, bike, or on my feet. I travel to more than 40 countries each year sleeping somewhere different each night. There is very little consistency. It can be stressful when you never stop.

What do you usually do/think of to calm down in your everyday life?
Time with my family is very therapeutic. We like to go for long walks in the wilderness. I also love dogs. They calm me.

Have you ever been to Sweden?
I have been to Sweden many times but this will be my first experience with Cabin life.

What do you know about Swedish nature?
I think that Sweden has some of the greatest wilderness in the world.

What are your expectations of the stay in Sweden’s nature?
I am hoping it will help me destress and unwind from my frenetic travel. I am writing this from the airport in Bolivia, South America after two weeks of work in the Andes. I'm looking forward to a chance to unwind in the Swedish wilderness


Fotograaf: Magnus Klang

Marilyne Didier - The Taxi Driver from Paris

Describe your stressful everyday life as a Taxi Driver in Paris
I work close to Gare du Nord in Paris where there are a lot of people, traffic jams and druggies around. Every day I meet drivers who are antisocial and unpredictable on the road, people who don't really know how to drive properly. 

What do you usually do/think of to calm down in your everyday life?
I spend time with my friends and family. Every Sunday morning I also run in Parc de Sceaux, which is close to my homeplace. 

What are your expectations of the stay in Sweden's nature?
I look forward to discovering a new environment, a new landscape and new people. I also look forward to relaxing and speaking English, as well as learning more about myself and meditating.


Fotograaf: Magnus Klang

Baqer Keshwani - The Event Coordinator from New York

What is the most stressful part of your job as an Event Coordinator?
As an event coordinator, my personal time and working hours are always intertwined. It is my responsibility to be on standby 24/7, but sometimes I am so overwhelmed by work that I don’t have enough time for myself. 

How much experience do you have with spending time in nature?
I have been living in big cities for many years, and due to the nature of my job, it is difficult for me to spend time in nature. 

What do you know about Swedish nature?
Although it’s cold, Sweden has four seasons in a year. I also know about the beautiful northern lights, but that’s about it. 

What are your expectations of the stay in Sweden’s nature?
I am excited to experience the purity of the nature, and to escape from the heavy workload and noisy cities. It would be a great opportunity for me to find some inspiration from nature.


Fotograaf: Magnus Klang

Chris Leadbeater - The Travel Journalist

What is the most stressful part of your job as a travel writer?
Trying to file a feature from one assignment while I am away on another. In an ideal scenario, I would devote time away purely to the trip I am researching, but deadlines don’t work like that. 

How much experience do you have with spending time in nature?
I live in London, with all the issues that come from being in a big city – too much traffic, lots of people, transport delays etc. But I’m lucky in that my work takes me to amazing places, and I’ve enjoyed the wilderness in places as far-flung as South America, the USA, the Far East and New Zealand. 

What do you know about Swedish nature?
I spent a long weekend on the Koster Islands a few years ago, cycling, walking and swimming, so I know what to expect.


Fotograaf: Magnus Klang


Steffi Tauscher - The Police Officer from Germany

Describe your stressful everyday life as a Police Officer
Not knowing what will happen during the shift is a stressful part of the job. If there is an operation, I have to give a hundred percent from one second to the next. I have to give empathy to victims of crimes right after the crime has taken place, and if there is an act of housebreaking, robbery or rape I sometimes have to take care of relatives while dealing with a case of death. 

What is the most stressful part of your job as a Police Officer?
Stressful everyday life happens every shift and you never know what is coming next. 

What are your expectations of the stay in Sweden’s nature?
I am looking forward to calming down in a surrounding that I do not know, gathering experience about how to calm down easily, while spending time in nature and chatting with people I do not know.

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