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Photographe: Manda Schillerås

Roasjö hiking trails

Hike in Roasjö

Four shorter hiking trails are available in Roasjö. The routes can also be combined with each other. The hiking trails are marked in different colours.

Hike in Roasjö

The hiking trails, which mostly cover roads and tracks, start from the area behind the village hall, where there is parking available. The carpark has a bulletin board with a map and information about which markings to follow. In the Roasjö area there are many ancient remains such as four Bronze Age cairns, several judge circles and ancient farmland.

Photographe: Kristofer Bernhardsson

Faits concernant le sentier

Longueur :

Two 5 km trails 

Two 10 km trails

Marquage :

The trails are marked with 4 different colours

Niveau de difficulté :


Début et fin :

The trails start from the carpark behind the village hall.

Comment se rendre sur place :

Follow the signs to the village hall.

Informations relatives au contact

Svenljunga Turistbyrå

Kinnagatan 2

512 51 Svenljunga

Téléphone: +46 32518150

E-mail: Envoyer un e-mail