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Photographe: Happy Visuals

Bohus Path Section 2
Stensjön - Skatås

8 km, medium

The second section of the Bohus Path takes you from Stensjön in Mölndal municipality via Gunnebo House to Skatås, located in the Delsjö area nature reserve.

Quick facts

Length: 8 km

Duration: about 2 - 3 hours

Level of difficulty: medium

Terrain: forest paths, gravel and asphalt roads. There are a few steep parts.


Walk in a beautiful manor house setting

The section starts by the beautiful Gunnebo House and Gardens, between Rådasjön and Stensjön. Gunnebo House was built in the 18th century as an exclusive summer residence for John Hall, a wealthy merchant from Gothenburg. It is now a popular place to visit all year round. It is one of Sweden's best and purest examples of neoclassical architecture. Experience some real history on a guided tour of the house. In the summer you can also watch theatre here. Gunnebo Kaffehus och Krog serves delicious food made from ingredients sourced in the organic kitchen garden.


Discover the Delsjö area

The path crosses the lake of Norra Långevattnet, just north of Stensjön. There is a nice rest area here with beautiful views of the lake. The section then continues to the Delsjö nature reserve, one of the largest and most central natural areas near Gothenburg. By the Skatås exercise centre there are a number of exercise paths, a café and the Delsjö area nature hall, which highlights the biodiversity and management of the area. As well as fine tracks and paths, you’ll find accommodation at Lisebergsbyn, canoeing excursions and swimming in the Delsjö lakes and frisbee golf and beach volleyball. The western parts of the Delsjö area have many remains, so there is also a lot of interesting history to discover here. A short deviation from the path takes you to Stora Torp, a private stone castle from 1871 located in a beautiful area.

Faits concernant le sentier

Longueur :

This section is about 8 kilometres long.

Temps approximatifs :

It takes about 2 - 3 hours to walk this section (excluding breaks).

Marquage :

There are orange markers along the footpath on trees and poles, which makes it easy to find your way in either direction on any of the sections. At the beginning of each section an information board shows distances on a map with various symbols, as well as conditions regarding the right to roam (allemansrätt).

Niveau de difficulté :


The path is classified as medium. Large parts of the section are smooth forest paths and are easy to medium, with a few short, rather steep parts. Underfoot is a mix of asphalt road, gravel road and forest paths.

Début et fin :

You can get here by bus from Gothenburg in less than half an hour. There are also buses from Mölndal station that take about 10 minutes. The nearest bus stop is Kristinedal, and a short walk from there will take you to Gunnebo and the Bohus Path. If you come by car, there are good parking facilities at Gunnebo House and Gardens. This is signposted both from the E6 and national road 40, and it takes about 15 minutes to drive here from Gothenburg city centre.

Comment se rendre sur place :

You will find the second section of the Bohus Path just outside Gothenburg, a journey of about 15 minutes. It is easy to get here by car or bus.

Carte :

A digital map of the trail is available on Google maps, and you can find more information and maps on the Bohus Path website.

Informations relatives au contact


Téléphone: +46 31 40 29 81

E-mail: Envoyer un e-mail

Site web: bohusleden.se