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Photographe: Jonas Ingman


For your safety, there are some regulations and rules we kindly ask you to follow. We have listed them below along with a short list of places along the canal where you need to keep an extra eye.

Rules & regulations on the Dalsland canal

Wear a life jacket when locking through

We require that all children and all canoeists wear a life jacket. This is something everyone must follow. But we ask everyone to pleace wear a life jacket in and around a lock. If you fall into the water, there is a risk that you will be sucked down by flowing water in the lock.

Open fire in or smoking near the locks is strictly forbidden

For safety reasons, open fire on board is not permitted in the locks. This means that smoking is not allowed. You also have to wait for cooking until you have finished locking through.

Do not swim by a lock or bridge

Feel free to take a dip in the lakes, but for your own safety it is not allowed to swim closer than 50 meters from locks and bridges. Dangerous current formation occurs when a lock chamber is emptied or filled, which can be fatal for bathers. The bridges are mobile and can be a potential danger.

Speed limit

The maximum speed permitted in the constructed sections of the canal is 3 knots.
In the lakes and other parts of the canal, the speed limit stated on the nautical chart 956 (Dalslands kanal) applies. Remember to always adjust the speed and to show consideration for residents, fellow canal travelers and wildlife.

Rapid water in fairways

Mostly you will have no problem with naturally flowing waters. But we would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are some places where, on occasion, the water is flowing to such an extent that extra attention and caution is required.

In Håverud

North Håverud's lock station above the upper lock is a water intake to Håverud's power station, behind a footbridge. Occasionally the water may be flowing. You will find an information board about flowing water set up by the bridge. A boom is laid out. When going up or down, keep a steady speed in the middle of the fairway.

The northern lock in Buterud - by the boom

By the northern lock in Buterud, a boom is laid out. Here the water is always flowing - more or less rapid. On occasion, the water is flowing to such an extent that extra attention is required. For boats / canoes going north, the lock keeper in Buterud provides information. For boats going south, the lock keeper in Mustadfors announces information about special caution. Note that there is no warning sign posted.

In Lennartsfors

By the guest harbor, north of Lennartsfors lock station, the fairway divides. Here the water is always flowing more or less rapid. A boom is laid out. An information board about flowing waters is also set up. In general, keeep to the port as far as possible when you pass the boom.

In Töcksfors

At the inlet, north of the lower lock, there are two stone pillars on the eastern side of the fairway. Here the fairway and the inlet to the power station are divided. On occasion, the water is flowing to such an extent that extra attention is required. The lock guard gives instructions about such situations. There are no boom or information board. 

If the boat is damaged

Boats in operation must be insured
All boats travelling on the Dalsland Canal must be covered by valid boat liability insurance. The skipper is responsible for ensuring this is in place (see General terms and conditions, the canal operator’s website and lockage receipt).

In the event of damage/incidents
As skipper/owner, it is extremely important that you remain at the lock* pending further instruction from the canal manager (documentation, inspection or control). Failure to do so will mean claims for compensation cannot be processed later. The injured party must provide a written account of what has occurred. The lock keeper will ensure the claim is completed and submitted to the canal office. This document must be signed by both parties.

* “Remain at lock” does not mean the boat must remain in the lock and block other vessels. Direct the boat to be anchored at the nearest waiting jetty/quay/guest harbour.

Staff will not get involved in assigning blame
Staff at Dalslands Kanal AB will not take a position with regard to assignment of blame. Boat owners are always recommended to file a report of damage caused to their vessel or other property, or injuries sustained by passengers, to their insurance provider. The insurance provider in question will then investigate the cause of the incident.

Liability to pay damages
Dalslands Kanal AB is liable for damages through its liability insurance in cases where the canal operator is deemed to be accountable. Regulations under general tort law shall apply, which means the Canal operator is liable in cases where it/its staff are shown to have caused damage through negligence under the Swedish Tort Liability Act. Indirect damages will not be compensated in any case. Damages incurred to Dalslands Kanal AB’s property as a result of negligence shall be compensated by the skipper, or through the relevant boat liability insurance. Dalslands Kanal AB shall not determine liability, with the case referred to its insurance provider.

Claims for compensation
Damages deemed to have arisen through negligence on the part of Dalslands Kanal AB, and which give rise to claims for compensation against Dalslands Kanal AB, must immediately be reported to the operator’s staff based on site (the lock keeper).

Boat liability insurance will compensate the injured party under the terms of the policy. Therefore, damages incurred to boats must always be reported to the insurance provider for the boat in question, where the claim will be initially processed. The insurance provider will then assess whether the final cost of the damage (including the excess) is to be carried by the boat’s insurance policy or the liable party in question.

Damage occurring between operators
Damage occurring due to collision with other operators must be resolved between the parties involved.

More about the General terms and conditions