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Partie de

Photographe: Jonas Ingman

Our staff

At Dalslands Kanal AB, approximately 50 people are employed during one fiscal year, but only 8 are year-round employees.


Head office Dalslands Kanal AB

Dalslands Kanal AB
Nils Ericsons väg 1, Upperud
SE-464 72  HÅVERUD

Phone: +46 (0) 530 44750

Opening hours
Monday - Friday 09:00 am - 04:00 pm
On weekends and holidays we are closed

Facebook   Instagram 


Lotta Edin-Johansson

CEO & marketing
+46 (0)79-1432894

Kerstin Aronsson

Development & administration

+46 (0)76 - 7700100

Iia Abenius

Sales & Seglation administration
+46 (0)530-251357

Ghita Jaumann

Finance & administration
+46 (0)530-251551

Emma Augustsson

Marketing & web
+46 (0)70 - 6441400

The workshop

Erik Gustavsson

Technical Manager

Phone. +46(0)530-251356

Rune Öberg

Canal repairer

Morgan Skarin

Canal repairer

Joakim Olofsson

Canal repairer

Mikael Roos

Canal repairer

Håkan Gustavsson

Canal repairer