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Photographer: Jesper Anhede

Djurö National park

Isolated archipelago in Sweden's largest lake

The Djurö archipelago consist of more than thirty islands and rocky islets in the middle of Lake Vänern.

Djurö National park was founded in 1991 and consists of 35 islands and small islets. You can reach the islands with your own or a rented boat. There are several nice natural harbors which give you easy access to the beautiful nature on the islands.

The east side of the national park is more shallow and more difficult to access by boat. The north and the west side of Djurö is easier to reach. Malbergshamnen is the most known harbour.

Boat taxi

Djurö can only be visited by own boat or by boat taxi.

From Mariestad: Mariestads sjÖservice, +46 705-888 603, info@mariestadssjoservice.se

From Sjötorp, Askevik, Otterbäcken: Storön Gården, +46 730-58 04 17, info@storongarden.com 

From Spiken, Kållandsö, Lidköping: Anders Ydergren, +46 708 25 64 82


There are possibilities for accommodation with simpler standard in two different houses with eight beds each. The houses has got a kitchen with gas powered stove and refrigerator. Outdoor toilet. You bring what you consume, as well as bedding.

Contact the county board fpr more information and booking.

Email: uthyrning.stugor.vastragotaland@lansstyrelsen.se 
Phone: +46 10 224 48 98

Contact information

Länsstyrelsen Västra Götalands län

Phone: +46 10 224 40 00

E-mail: Send e-mail