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Dalslandsgården Vinnsäters

Well preserved 19th century farm

19th century farmhouse with a summer café serving waffles and buns.

Briefly about Dalslandsgården Vinnsäter in Järbo

Dalslandsgården Vinnsäter is a well preserved 19th century farm where, in addition to the dwelling house (a valley country cottage), there is a warehouse, barn, tool shed, forge and basement. Here is shown how life occurred in the 1920s on a farm. The farm has ancient origins and is documented as early as 1540. A school museum is also on the farm which depicts the school in the 1920s-40s.

Summer café & events

A charming café serving hommade bakery is located at Vinnsäters hembygdsgård. Coffee service with waffles and buns. The café is open from midsummer to the beginning of August, Wednesday - Sunday. 

During the summer, a village play is performed as well.


From road 172 near Järbo, go down the road to "Järbo kyrka, (church)". Drive towards Vinnsäters hembygdsgård, as shown on the sign.

Contact information

Dalslandsgården Vinnsäters

Vinnsäters hembygdsgård 1

458 63 Högsäter

Phone: +46 790 692 085

E-mail: kerstin@vinnsater.se

Website: vinnsater.se