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About Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg

Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg is a joint tourism organization for the cities of Trollhättan and Vänersborg and was established in 2007. We have the task of marketing the destination for visitors, working for increased local collaboration and initiating and running projects. We also operate two year-round open tourist centers, one in each city.


Our mission

The Municipalities of Trollhättan and Vänersborg, in collaboration with local companies and organizations formed a joint tourism organization in December 2007, Trollhättan-Vänersborg Non-Profit Association for Tourism Development. The association consists of about 150 members. Operational operations are conducted through the wholly owned company, Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg AB. The association determines the company's overall objectives. 

The company should
- Market the destination
- Promote increased local collaboration
- Initiate and run projects

What we do

Our strategy is based on a strong collaboration with the tourism industry's stakeholders at local, regional and national levels. It is through collaboration with local partners, companies and organizations that we create quality products and experiences for our guests.

Year-round travel: Together with our partners, we develop the destination to offer experiences and activities all year round for visiting guests. 
Accessibility for visitors and digital development: Together we will work to be visible in the digital world and through the Accessibility Database (TB) for visitors with disabilities. 
Collaboration: Through networks of partners we can work to strengthen the local tourism industry.
Tourist Centers: Follow the trends of the tourism industry and operate two local Tourist Centers: Trollhättan Tourist Center and Vänersborg Tourist Center
Skill development: Offer seminars and training for local partners. Send out regular newsletters. 
Strengthen and develop the Trollhättan-Vänersborg destination brand: Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg must work and communicate clearly and focused in order to build a strong destination and to encourage people from near and far to visit our area. 

Local cooperation

The tourism industry in Trollhättan and Vänersborg has had a good development and a positive trend for many years, that together with the increasing importance of the tourism industry in the whole of Sweden makes our work even more important. Cooperation is therefore an important tool for the future so that Trollhättan and Vänersborg can grow together with the partner companies and organizations. Together we work for long-term sustainable development and growth of the tourism industry in Trollhättan and Vänersborg.

Our partners

Today Visit Trollhättan Vänersborg has about 150 partners in our area, from the big hotels to small restaurants and stores. Here you can see all our partners.